On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 08:00:37 +0200 Christian PERRIER wrote:

> > I hope this clarifies why I think those strings should use the most
> > general plural form for each language.
> That may fit but you maybe want to ask in debian-i18n what people
> think.

As I said, I don't think that a title should change form, depending on
how many items will be actually included in the list that follows that

> Of course, that may change your code as you need to compute the number
> of bugs to display before displaying the title.....

Sure, but this is not really the point, IMHO.
Regardless of how easy or hard it would be to implement that behavior,
I am not convinced that it would be The Right Thing™ to do.

Thanks anyway for commenting: it is really appreciated.

 fsck is a four letter word...
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
 GnuPG key fpr == CA01 1147 9CD2 EFDF FB82  3925 3E1C 27E1 1F69 BFFE

Attachment: pgpuOwuAUIi1K.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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