Martin List-Petersen wrote:

On Sun, 2004-05-02 at 22:55, Don Armstrong wrote:
Furthermore, the list of credits are still included (to my knowledge)
in /usr/share/doc/resierfsprogs/README.gz.
oh, well, that is almost as good as putting them on the dark side of
the moon....  a credit read by no one has no meaning.

I don't know what you are reading once you've installed a new program on
your system, but the README, README.Debian and the man-pages are for me
usually the FIRST place, since it might hold valuable information and
safe me the trouble, which i may have, if i didn't had read it.
I never read these (except the man pages) unless the install fails in some way (I read the NVIDIA ones many times....), and neither do 99% of real users, including 99% of reiserfs users. As a user, I can handle the distro flashing information on my screen as it installs and I can read that, or printing credits when I select a particular package for the install, and I can handle a tool printing credits when it starts up (ala mkreiser4) for me to read, but going through a list of 3000 packages after the install completes and reading their readmes and credits files just ain't gonna happen.

As a developer, I can probably be talked out of anything that makes the install slower or more awkward or adds more clicks. If there is another paradigm in place for displaying info about the packages during the install (I encourage you to have one), I would most likely be happy to conform to that.

So, if you know somebody (including yourself) that doesn't do it I'm
really in doubt about the security of your system. There is actually
useful information in there.

The camel has a single hump;
The dromedary two;
Or else the other way around.
I'm never sure.  Are you?
               -- Ogden Nash

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