On Fri,  8 Dec 2006 10:11:11 +0000 (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:

> Francesco Poli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this kind of /cumulative/ name-change requirement allowed by
> > DFSG#4?
> We need copyright permission for each contributing work, so I can't
> see how we allow DFSG4 and not allow this.

Ah, I see what you mean.
OK, so it seems that DFSG#4 allows this, even though I'm not
particularly happy that it does...

> However, it is a stupid condition, because it does nothing to stop an
> unrelated font calling itself MyFont, ChangedFont or EnhanceFont.

Agreed, definitely.

> Names should be controlled by trademark if one feels strongly enough

Indeed (and in a DFSG-free manner, please!).

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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