
Would you think the license CC Sampling Plus 1.0 from Creative Commons would
be DFSG-Free?


I'm not very sure about this part:

* Re-creativity permitted. You may create and reproduce Derivative Works,
provided that:

  1.the Derivative Work(s) constitute a good-faith partial or recombined
usage employing "sampling," "collage," "mash-up," or other comparable
artistic technique, whether now known or hereafter devised, that is highly
transformative of the original, as appropriate to the medium, genre, and
market niche; and

  2.Your Derivative Work(s) must only make a partial use of the original
Work, or if You choose to use the original Work as a whole, You must either
use the Work as an insubstantial portion of Your Derivative Work(s) or
transform it into something substantially different from the original Work.
In the case of a musical Work and/or audio recording, the mere
synchronization ("synching") of the Work with a moving image shall not be
considered a transformation of the Work into something substantially

Greetings and thanks,

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