On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 13:17:10 +0100 Anthony Towns wrote:

> In 2006, we had:
>       - a resolution on the DFSG-free status of the GFDL

Where the winning option legislated without *any explanation* that the
DFSG issues of the GFDL (except for the invariant-like ones) do not
This resolution is doing more harm than good: it has been misinterpreted
by many people as "Debian states the GFDL is OK", it sent a signal to
FSF that there's no real need to fix those issues with the GFDL as they
are considered acceptable anyway, it poses serious logical problems when
one tries to reconcile its result with the DFSG, people has already
tried to use it as a precedent to allow other non-free restrictions into
main, ...

See the following thread:

>       - a resolution of the licensing problems preventing us from
>         distributing Java at all, including, eventually, legal advice
>         via SPI to that effect

Resolution?  Do you mean a GR, a vote?
Am I missing anything?  I don't recall any vote on this issue...

Moreover the DLJ license affair was, IMHO, handled quite badly: every
decision seemed to have been taken behind closed doors by very few
people and communicated publicly only when it was too late for providing
suggestions and advice.
I was really worried by all that accepting licenses with contradictory
FAQs and non-legally-binding clarifications.

See the following thread:

>       - DFSG-free updates to creative commons licenses

Which we *did not* have, because CC licenses still fail to meet the

See the following threads:

>       - new draft of the GFDL resolving Debian's other concerns

Which we *did not* have, since the first draft of the GFDL v2 does not
solve all the GFDL issues which are not related to invariantness.

See the following thread:

>       - a resolution on how we approach sourceless firmware

Which decided to ignore this issue for the release of etch (despite the
opposite promise made with GR-2004-004) and was not respected anyway.

See bug:

>       - Java licensed under the GPL

Which could be seen as a positive effect of the DLJ mess, but it's still
incomplete, AFAIUI.
At least sun-java6 source package is still in the non-free archive,


>       - a recommendation to SPI on a free copyright license and
>         more free trademark handling for our logos that's since been
>         acted on, and is now just pending an announcement by the DPL

Which actually *is* a little progress on the issue we were discussing in
the present thread and is appreciated, as I said at the time. 
Unfortunately that move leaves the harder side of the issue (that is to
say, trademark licensing) in a black-or-white situation (no trademark
restrictions for one logo, non-free restrictions for the other logo),
which is suboptimal.

See the following thread:

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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