Le vendredi 09 novembre 2007 à 21:28 +0100, Joerg Schilling a écrit :
> ....there is a problem in wodim.
> The GPL and the Urheberrecht both forbid to publish modified versions that
> harm the reputation of the Author. 

There is nothing like that in the GPL. It only forbids misrepresentation
of the Author's work.

> The Debian fork is full of extreme bugs
> and many people are thus completely unable to use the fork at all.
> You should be aware of the possibility that I (as the Author) could disallow 
> publikshing the fork.

Well, to do that, you would have to prove:
      * either that wodim is violating the license - which is not, it is
        based on entirely GPL code and follows the GPL to the letter;
      * or that the wodim authors are violating the law - if they do, it
        is surely not by misrepresenting your work.

The whole point of free software is to allow forks. If you can't accept
that, you'd better find another hobby.

Anyway, I would *love* to see you do attempting to forbid distribution
of cdrkit. If you lose, we will all have a good laugh. If you win, the
community would have to work on a new, free alternative that would force
us to finally get rid of your crappy code. In all cases, that's a big

> >Debian change their opinion. So would it be so difficult for you to 
> >change the license in other to satisfy Debian (and other Linux 
> >distributor)? I think it is the only way you can hope they reconsider 
> >the inclusion of cdrtool.
> This kind of blackmail attempts have been send to me more than once.

You must deeply want to see cdrtools back in Debian if you think of such
requests as "blackmail"…

> Cdrtools uses a license that is widely accepted as true OpenSource and
> even the official Debian statement is that the CDDL is obviously free.

The Debian project also allows OpenSSL code and GPL code, but doesn't
accept mixing both without correct exceptions from the copyright

: :' :      We are debian.org. Lower your prices, surrender your code.
`. `'       We will add your hardware and software distinctiveness to
  `-        our own. Resistance is futile.

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