Le samedi 03 mai 2008 à 17:43 +0800, Wen-Yen Chuang a écrit :
> He thinks that those games should to be put in non-free, unless we can
> remove those logos. [2]
> It is OK for me to pack a non-free package, but it is hard to find a
> sponsor for non-free packages.

The license doesn’t seem to prevent removal of the logos.
        4) You may modify the game as you wish.  You may also distribute 
         versions under the terms set forth in this license, but with the 
         requirement that the work is marked with a prominent notice which 
states that
         it is a modified version.

You shouldn’t have any trouble removing them if you add such a notice as

: :' :      We are debian.org. Lower your prices, surrender your code.
`. `'       We will add your hardware and software distinctiveness to
  `-        our own. Resistance is futile.

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