In message <20090121115624.27b9b...@glh-hp-dv2940se>, Greg Harris <> writes
On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 02:14:37 -0800
Steve Langasek <> wrote:

No, he's saying that if you *commit a tort against someone located in
Utah*, you are subject to Utah state law.  If you've committed a tort
against someone located in Utah, it is absolutely not true that you
have no connections with Utah.

The question of how *much* of a connection you must have to a state
in order to be subject to their law is a fuzzy one that does get
debated by courts.

>> We think it if the treaties between the nations allow for it. I
>> know it has happened in the past, I really can't speak with any
>> authority as to how often that happens and what sorts of law it
>> covers. But in the world of torts (which is what we are talking
>> about), I wouldn't be at all surprise to learn that I can bring a
>> tort suit against a foreign national in their own jurisdiction but
>> under *my* law. Understand the very important distinction between
>> a criminal case and a civil case, such as torts. Different
>> concepts, different policy objectives, different enforcement.

> As I understand it, if it is legal in Britain then you cannot touch
> me. End of story. Unless there exists a contract between you and me
> that our dealings are covered by US law, then as a British National
> resident in Britain, then any claim you make against me must be
> under English law.

Even if this is nominally true under British law, there is certainly
no reason for this to be the accepted norm under international law,
and therefore not grounds for dismissal of a case brought against you
in a US court.  Just because you think you can *get away with*
committing torts against US citizens doesn't mean the tort does not
occur.  Jurisdiction and enforceability are two different questions.

For comparison with other European countries:  it's been discussed on
this list in the past (in connection with choice of venue clauses)
that French law guarantees its citizens the right to defend
themselves in their home court - but it does not say that the claim
has to be brought under French law.

This thread gets into two separate doctrinal areas that even
specialist lawyers can regard as arcane for edge cases: personal
jurisdiction and choice of law. I read some postings on this list out
of personal interest, but I have little to contribute to most of the
discussion. I have done work on these issues, however, so maybe I can
add some clarity, even if it wanders further off-topic from the
original inquiry.

When a court concludes that it has personal jurisdiction over a
defendant, it means this court, for this defendant, for this claim, has
proper authority to deliver a judgment that may be enforced against the
defendant. For non-criminal cases, the court's analysis generally will
focus on the defendant's "contacts" with the residents and territory
of the government of which the court is a part.

Put differently, do you mean that the court believes it actually has the ability to enforce a judgement?

Two variations of a simple hypothetical fact pattern may illustrate
this. A New York resident is injured by a product manufactured and sold
by a German company in Germany and wants to sue that company in a New
York court for negligence in the manufacturing process. In variation 1,
the German company gets most of its revenue from export sales and the
New York resident bought the product in New York from a store
authorized by the German company to sell its products. In variation 2,
the German company is small and has no export sales; the New York
resident bought the product in Germany while on a visit; and the injury
occurred in Germany during that visit. The New York court is more
likely to find that it has personal jurisdiction over the German
company in variation 1 than in variation 2. (Even though, in both
variations, the claimed negligent manufacture took place in Germany.)

Hmmm ... two very interesting examples. Let's look at the German example ... I'd have said that variation 2 was a clear example of jurisdiction belonging in Germany. The only reason that a New York court might have to claim jurisdiction is that the victim is American. imho that's a clear case of extra-territoriality.

Variation 1, imho, is also a clear case where New York jurisdiction *over* *the* *german* *company* doesn't apply. The company's agent is liable, and how the liability is split between them and the german company is a matter of contract.

Note I'm a brit, so I can't speak for American law, but in both of those variations, for a New York court to claim jurisdiction over the German company seems to me to be a breach of natural/sensible justice.

Take a different case. A New York author writes and a New York
publisher distributes, only in the United States, a book that a UK
citizen claims to be libelous in a UK court. What threshold facts must
be present for the UK court to decide that it has some power over the
New York author?

This is a BEAUTIFUL example! This basic premise has actually happened, iirc. And it has been decided, by the highest court in the land, that the only recourse to law in Britain is to confiscate any and every copy of the book that may end up under British jurisdiction. No action can be taken against the publisher (they're American), and no action can be taken against the author unless they're a British national (which in your example, they're not).

Anybody importing the book commercially will be liable for damages for defamation. Any copies uncovered in transit may (probably will) be seized at the border or in the shop. Any copies that travellers have as personal reading matter will probably be ignored, but could be seized.

Once a court decides that it has personal jurisdiction and can hear this
case against this defendant, the court must determine what rules should
apply. This is governed by the doctrines of choice of law (or sometimes
called conflicts of law). If the German manufacturer did everything
right under German law, but New York law would require something more,
which standard should be used by the New York court? Or, in a different
type of case, if Microsoft is entitled under United States law to
incorporate a browser into its operating system, is the EU required to
follow that rule because the operating system and browser are
(hypothetically) created in the United States? In the libel example,
should the UK court apply its own strict rules or the much more liberal
standard of United States libel law to the New York author? If a French
citizen asks a United States court to find that a United States citizen
violated a French copyright in France, should French law apply both to
whether a violation occurred and to the amount of damages?

Conflict of law ... that book example was superb seeing as it is only too possible - even probable - for books to exist that are perfectly legal in America, but not in England. A UK court would apply English law, and ban import of the book. Otherwise any judgement would be a farce.

In the German (and MS) examples, I would say you can't apply product law if the product was not intended for sale in the jurisdiction. But anybody importing a product is liable for making sure it complies with local legislation.

My example would be (legal) drugs. In the UK we have "over the counter" and prescription drugs. If I buy prescription drugs from, let's say, Holland where these drugs are "over the counter", the pharmacist/dealer/whatever is committing *no* offence by selling them to me. But as soon as I return home (if I bought them personally) or they are delivered to me (if I bought them by mail order), I am committing the offence of "possession of prescription drugs without a prescription".

I don't know of any example where English law could be prosecuted against a foreign national who is abroad, unless that national has agreed to British jurisdiction. I do know our government has signed a treaty that allows foreign governments to extradite British citizens, for actions that are legal in Britain! to face trial in foreign (namely American :-( courts.

But I think that's why I'm so dismissive of all this "IANAL because it's illegal to give legal advice in America" stuff. My government recognises the insanity of trying to enforce its laws against foreign citizens, and I think it insane of the Americans to try and enforce their laws against me. At the end of the day, what I do, I do it IN ENGLAND, and in England IT IS LEGAL. And in the absence of a contract, no British court will apply foreign law.

Anthony W. Youngman -

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