Francesco Poli <> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 May 2009 14:11:29 -0700 (PDT) Ken Arromdee wrote:
> > In the US and some other places, bitmap fonts can't be copyrighted.  You can
> > make a free bitmap font by rendering a non-free font at a particular size.
> Interesting: could you point me at the specific article that states
> this rule in  ?

Like the UK, US law can be created by case law deciding any grey areas
and not only rules stated in legislation.  That may have happened here
and then it wouldn't appear in that document.  I don't know.

> Anyway, even assuming that those bitmap fonts are DFSG-free in the US
> and "some other places", what about other jurisdictions?

I think that the Berne Convention Article 7 part (8)
exports the US zero protection duration in this case.

We can't rely on US Fair Use because Article 10 (2) allows national
law to vary it in each country.

IANAL and I could be wrong about this, so would welcome correction.
My Opinion Only: see
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