Nils Dagsson Moskopp <> wrote:
> Bas Wijnen <> writes:
>>> > I am going to start with trying to package "Bernd und das Rätsel um 
>>> > Unteralterbach" - a visual novel set in present-day bavaria containing 
>>> > (optional) erotic content
>> The erotic content is not optional, AFAICS.  Only the abuse is optional.
>> The first time you get to a point where you can see it, you have to
>> click a button that says "I'm mentally ill and want to see this".  Given
>> that these are (drawn) images of child abuse, I think they are actually
>> criminal to possess in many countries (including mine, the Netherlands,
>> so I have already deleted the game).  I'm pretty sure we cannot
>> distribute them in Debian, not even in non-free.  So for the rest of the
>> post, I'm assuming that those images are not in the game.
> As far as I understand it, in Germany, for a text / recording / drawing
> to be a criminal matter, it must depict actual abuse – meaning a child
> has to be abused for the document to be created. Off-topic: Does this
> mean that the stereotypical hentai comics that commonly depict rape,
> child abuse, dismemberment etc. are not legal to posess in NL as well?
> Quote: <>

The US seems to be more strict.  A man was convicted in 2010 for
sending Hentai comics through the mail.

Walter Landry

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