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W dniu 11.03.2014 15:52, Sam Kuper pisze:
> On 11/03/2014, Joseph Neal <vlvtel...@speakeasy.net> wrote:
>> I hate to stir up shit, but that's exactly what I'm doing.
> If you hate to do it, then please don't do it.
>> Several people have already objected but I hope there will be such a 
>> resounding rejection that nobody considers submitting something like this
>> again in the future.  I am not a member of the Debian Project. It is my hope
>> that enough people who do speak for the project will respond to this with
>> "hell no" that there is never any ambiguity regarding the inclusion of this
>> type of content again. 
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2014/03/msg00017.html
> In that thread, the relevance of Stan Cohen's concept of "moral panics" has
> already been noted.[0]
> There is a danger, if the Debian project falls prey to a moral panic, that it
> will self-censor to the extent of producing a chilling effect upon itself.

This is not a "moral panic". A real harm is being done.
According to statistics [2]
"One in 20 children (4.8%) have experienced contact sexual abuse." This has
probably a devastating effect on their lives.

> If the decision is taken to censor or ban Unteralterbach from Debian, in a
> manner that - as you say you hope for - would affect future decisions about 
> the
> exclusion of other works, I hope this occurs in a way that *would* still allow
> other works within Debian to deal with the topic - albeit more sensitively.
According to the Debian Policy Manual [1]:

"We reserve the right to restrict files from being included anywhere in our 
archives if
    their use or distribution would break a law,
    there is an ethical conflict in their distribution or use,

A sane person tries to judge morally their actions, which often includes 
their consequences. It has been mentioned here already and I find it likely that
the game may trigger some people sick of paedophilia and more harm may be done.

Not everything that can be told should be told. You would probably agree that 
porn (movies, images) should be banned.

> I have not played Unteralterbach and therefore do not feel entitled to voice 
> an
> opinion about the inclusion of that particular work, but I think history and
> erudite opinion has vindicated works like Chris Morris's "Brass Eye: 
> Paedophilia
> Special"[1], Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita"[2], and Harry Thompson and Shaun 
> Pye's
> "Monkey Dust"[3] as having important satirical, artistic and cultural merit.

> Were anyone to suggest packaging works equivalent to those three in Debian[4],
> I hope Debian's response would be an enthusiastic "Yes!"
Please don't use such a language on the mailing list. It is not a marketing 

> I note your comment and reference to the decision of a Bible Belt judge to
> declare a possibly similar work "obscene" as a result of substituting his own
> views for the testimony of an expert witness.[5]
> However, as Miriam Ruiz has pointed out, we should be wary of taking a lowest
> common denominator approach to local law, as that would also result in deeply
> unacceptable censorship.[6]
> I would also note that the canon of literature that has been considered
> "obscene" enough to warrant attempted prosecution in Western democracies is
> large and in part noble (Howl, Lady Chatterley's Lover, and many others).[7]

As has been mentioned previously [3], including this will have a devastating 
on Debian.

Unfortunately we don't have debian-children so that we may forward it to that 

> Regards,
> Sam
Please send everything to debian-devel-games so that the thread will be easy to
follow. Some posts can already be found on other mailing lists only.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-pkgcopyright
[3] https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2014/03/msg00035.html
- -- 
Mateusz Jończyk
AEI, Informatyka, Semestr 2 Magisterskich, BDiIS

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