On 18/01/15 08:18, Vincent Bernat wrote:
>  ❦ 17 janvier 2015 19:14 +0100, "W. Martin Borgert" <deba...@debian.org> :
>> Python program or library "X" is licensed under GPL3+ without
>> OpenSSL exception. "X" does use the python-requests library,
>> which on load dynamically links the Python interpreter with the
>> OpenSSL library.
> A close issue has already been discussed [1] but it was mostly
> ignored. Doing "import readline" and "import ssl" triggers the problem
> without introducing a third-party program.

Copyright law says nothing about loading shared libraries, and quite a
lot to say about creating derivative works.

The important thing from a legal point of view is not "does python's
address space contain both readline and OpenSSL?" - that's interesting
evidence, but not actually the question that a court case would seek to
determine. The important thing is "has a derivative work of readline and
OpenSSL been created?" and that's rather less clear-cut.

See also <http://lwn.net/Articles/548216/> for related discussion.


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