Riley Baird <> wrote:
>> > //3. Users agree to obey all government restrictions governing
>> > //redistribution or export of the software.
>> This is an additional restriction on top of what is allowed by GPLv2+.
>> That, unfortunately, makes it incompatible.
> That sounds sensible, but are you sure?. Red Hat includes such a notice
> with Fedora, so I'm tempted to think that we're interpreting this
> wrongly.

I read that as requiring you to acknowledge that the law exists.  It
does not feel like Fedora would have an independent claim against you
for breaking the law.

> Regardless, the below clause is a non-commercial clause, which isn't
> compatible with the GPLv2:
>> //1. The users agree not to charge for the model owner code itself but may
>> //charge for additions, extensions, or support.

I do not think this is not a problem in practice.  If you add a
trivial addition to the code, then you are allowed to charge for the

Walter Landry

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