On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 at 01:33:04 +0300, Dmitry Alexandrov wrote:
[I wrote]
> > Permissive licenses typically need to be quoted in full in the Debian
> > copyright file.
> Any licence regardless of its conditions (permissive, copyleft or even 
> nonfree), except the following ones, should be quoted in full, is not it?
> ,----[ $ ls /usr/share/common-licenses/ ]
> | Apache-2.0  BSD   GFDL-1.2  GPL    GPL-2  LGPL    LGPL-2.1
> | Artistic    GFDL  GFDL-1.3  GPL-1  GPL-3  LGPL-2  LGPL-3
> `----

Correct. The original BSD license is one example of a permissive license.


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