Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital <> writes:

> Since this is an engine for OpenSSL, we have choose the license as
> OpenSSL License, which is based on BSD license.

Two problems with that:

* There are multiple licenses that meet the description “BSD license”.
  They are published by the BSD project(s) for their works. They all
  have different effects and need to be distinguished.

  So, when discussing a license text actually published by BSD, please
  state exactly which one is being talked about.

* A license text “based on” another is best distinguished because it
  will, again, most likely have different effects. Look at the text as
  it is, without muddling the issue by saying what it's based on.

  So, when discussing a license text, name it unambiguously (without
  “based on foo”) so that it is examined as a separate document.

> The point is, two of the OpenSSL License [2] statements say the
> follow:

Can you bring the full conditions – all of the conditions that apply to
the work, no matter if they're in multiple license texts – and post it
here in this thread for reference?

 \        “Telling pious lies to trusting children is a form of abuse, |
  `\                    plain and simple.” —Daniel Dennett, 2010-01-12 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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