On 21/03/2019, Giacomo Tesio <giac...@tesio.it> wrote:
> On 21/03/2019, Christian Kastner <c...@kvr.at> wrote:
>>> So why do you think that this is a "toxic precedent"?
>> Because then you'd never be able to provide a compatible free software
>> alternative to *any* proprietary solution.
> But they couldn't provide any COMPATIBLE alternative to Free Software
> solution either!

Imagine for a moment if the Web was born under a similar legal framework.

Only Free Software browsers.
Only Free Software servers.
Only Free Software Web applications.
Only Free Software API.

You could ask to inspect the code that is executed for you by a SaaS
or move the whole application to a server under your physical control.

OTOH, SaaS providers would have a HUGE pressure to preserve their
customers' trust.

Now, you can see how Google is moving to replace HTTP with his own new kids.
So it IS still possible to change the status quo, simply because...
it's software! ;-)


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