Adam Borowski writes:
> Hi!
> In the light of the currently discussed GR proposal, I wonder if the
> following license clause would be considered DFSG-free and GPL-compatible:
> ##################
> I do not consider a flat tarball to be a preferred form for modification. 
> Thus, like any non-source form, it must be accompanied by a way to obtain
> the actual form for modification.  There are many such ways -- unless you
> distribute the software in highly unusual circumstances, a link to a
> network server suffices; see the text of the GPL for further details.
> ##################
> I believe such a statement would be GPL-compatible; rationale:
> * by the 2011 Red Hat kernel sources outcry, it is obvious such a tarball
>   is long obsolete
> * a flat tarball deprives the recipient of features of modern VCSes
> * comments giving rationale for a change tend to be written as VCS commit
>   messages
> * future forms are not banned: it is conceivable that next week someone
>   invents a revolutionary new form that wins over git
> Thoughts?

Not everyone uses version control.  Making requirements on how people
make modifications would be a significant change.  It would definitely
be incompatible with the GPL.

Walter Landry

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