Nicholas Guriev writes:
> I still have suspicions about RNNoise and its probable non-free model.
> I'm curious in context of my package libtgowt where I got to cut the
> library out. What is the current consensus on this library in Debian
> community? I already asked on debian-ai@ but nobody answered ever since.

As I understand it, the standard that Debian uses in a case like this is
whether something is the "preferred form for modification".  If the
person who created RNNoise wanted to improve it, what would they start
from?  If that is the finalized model, then that is enough for Debian.
If there is some intermediate form, then that would be the preferred

This sort of thing comes up with art assets.  Would the creator
generally re-render from scratch, or would they take the output and do
further modifications?  Sometimes, these intermediate forms can be much,
much larger than the final form.  So practical concerns can cause

Walter Landry

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