
>   If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
>   name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
>   and the reason for such modification.

The word "should" seems to imply this might be optional, since the
verbatim BSD sections use "must" for the mandatory parts.

The GPL has similar requirements for notices of modification.

On Sat, 2022-07-30 at 12:40 -0700, Dima Kogan wrote:

> The leading sections are just a vanilla 3-clause BSD license, but the
> last paragraph is custom for this project. Is this non-free?

Looking at the DFSG, I can't think of any conflicts between the items
in it and this custom license clause.

All that said, this is license proliferation, which isn't really good,
so you might want to consider asking upstream to drop the clause.


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