* Walter Landry: " Re: SWIFTStandards IPR Policy" (Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:39:49

Hi Walter,

thanks for your feedback.

> Mathias Behrle <mbeh...@debian.org> writes:
> > 2. License
> > SWIFT hereby grants you a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to
> > use or promote SWIFTStandards (i) for information transmission purposes in
> > or outside the context of SWIFT messaging services and/or (ii) to develop
> > software, products or services which support transmission of information in
> > accordance with SWIFTStandards.  
> This feels funny.  It does not allow users to use SWIFTStandards to
> advocate against SWIFTStandards.  As written, you can not even use it to
> improve the standard.  Users also can not use it in unexpected ways,
> such as an art piece.
> > 3. Limitations
> > You may not directly or indirectly sell SWIFTStandards. You may not modify
> > SWIFTStandards while maintaining “SWIFTStandards” as a reference for the
> > modified standard. This License Agreement does not grant you a license to
> > use any of SWIFT’s trademarks, except the trademark “SWIFTStandards” for
> > the use as defined in Section 2.  
> I think this would preclude putting SWIFTStandards on a DVD and selling
> it.  It is not directly selling SWIFTStandards, but it is indirectly
> selling it.  
> So I do not think it passes the DFSG.

I agree.

> It would be suitable for non-free.  IANADD.  IANAL.  YMMV.

I am even not sure if the package qualifies for non-free because the files
in question are currently distributed by Tryton upstream *without* resp.
under a *wrong* license.

The feedback on the issue is unfortunately poor

I think I will move to a dfsg package excluding those files and disabling
the tests (which is obviously a pity).



    Mathias Behrle
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