On 4/13/18 5:24 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 03:50:09PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
Instead of <a href="identifier.org/..RRID:SCR_...">SciCrunch</a> it
could be <a href="the same">RRID:SCR_..</a>.

may be interesting to set:

<a href="the same"><cite>RRID:SCR_..</cite></a>

cite is a metadata HTML standard that may be supported/analysed by
google and co (https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/HTML/Element/cite)
This is a neat idea, indeed. I am tempted to also add a "<q>" block to
reference where the package description is coming from. I propose this to be
the tracker's package representation.
I'm again not sure that I understand that hint.  Where would you add that
block and exactly (please provide an example).


<table class="project" summary="abacas"><tbody><tr class="deb-official_high"><td class="project-name"><a name="abacas" id="abacas"></a><div class="pkgname">Abacas </div><div class="pkgdesc"><div>Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences</div></div>... <div><span><a href="https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=abacas&amp;searchon=names&amp;exact=1&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all";>Official Debian package</a></span></div>... Registry entries: <span></span><span></span><span></span><span><span class="registry_omictools"><a href="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=\site%3Aomictools.com+OMICS_06933";>OMICtools</a><span class="registry"></span></span></span></div></div>.. I suggest to go to something like the following. The Registry IDs look right next to the package name as a comma-separated list, I think, since they somewhat co-identify the package. <q cite="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/abacas";> <table class="project" summary="abacas"><tbody><tr class="deb-official_high"><td class="project-name"><a name="abacas" id="abacas"></a> (<span class="registry"><a href="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=\site%3Aomictools.com+OMICS_06933";><cite>OMICS_06933</cite></a></span>) <div class="pkgname">Abacas </div><div class="pkgdesc"><div>Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences</div></div>... <div><span><a href="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/abacas";>Official Debian package</a></span></div>... registry bits moved to title section.. </q> The enclosing q block I kind of like to be interpreted as "this is our stuff you also find on the package's page".

While I can do this easily on the tasks pages I'm not very optimistic that
this wil have any influence on Google ranking.

Having a page description in the HTML <head> will help. Otherwise google has nothing to show in their search results.



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