Hi Liubov,

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 01:37:37PM +0200, Liubov Chuprikova wrote:
> I decided not to use the same tests that we run during the package build in
> autopkgtest suite since these tests do not check executables and their
> implementation requires additional useless code to be installed somewhere.
> Instead of this, it is possible to put into the run-unit-test script the
> same commands that are recommended in "Quick Usage" paragraph of README.md
> [1]. For this, I moved sample_data provided by upstream into a separate
> package unicycler-data [2].
> [1] https://github.com/rrwick/Unicycler#quick-usage
> [2]
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/unicycler/commit/a3b90a3a5c00e9b83a48c7746b4aa598202c8642

Makes perfectly sense to do real usage cases.  (This is actually way better
than running build time tests.)
> While trying to run an autopkgtest with the commands in "Quick Usage" I got
> the following error:
> Error: Pilon was found (/usr/bin/pilon) but does not work - either fix it,
> specify a different location using --pilon_path or use --no_pilon to remove
> Pilon dependency
> So something might be wrong with pilon package. I tried to rerun the tests
> with --no_pilon option and got one more error:

I can confirm that my colleagues who tried a conda installation also
reported about issues with pilon.
> Assembling reads with miniasm... empty result
> Error: miniasm assembly failed

Also something that needs investigation.
> I think about the second one it would be better to ask upstream.

May be even both ones.  Would you mind doing this?
> All in all, I cannot push an autopkgtest suite at the moment, I need more
> time to fix it. So I think the package could be uploaded to unstable
> meanwhile.

Uploaded to new - lets see how fast it might be processed.

Thanks a lot for your work on this



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