> Please update Standards-Version to he current version.
This triggers a warning in lintian, which only knows about 4.0.0
This warning is displayed also by other packages already in Debian and
nobody put in place an override for this warning so I though I should do
the same.
Debian policy 4.1.0 ยง4.15 is about reproducibility, which I was
already targeting,
but it is not 100% clear how can I be sure that my package is reproducible.
I built the package twice and the binary packages are identical, but I don't
know if this is enough.
Priority from extra to optional is now part of the policy so this is
reflected in
the changelog.

> Shipping files like /usr/share/pixmaps/new.svg seems very wrong, they
> should be in a package-specific dir (and not under /usr/share/pixmaps).
All icons are now moved in /usr/share/cyclograph/icons with the exception
of the application icon, which is now also in 48x48 as required by freedesktop
specifications. A couple more sizes have been provided in png format.

> Qt frontend doesn't work: ImportError: cannot import name 'QtWebEngineWidgets'
Added the missing dependency to qtwebengine

> You shouldn't use the full icon paths in .desktop Icon, definitely not
> ones for 32x32.
I ran desktop-file-validate and it mislead me to add the full path,
The file extension should have been removed, and now they are.


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