On 2018-02-08 23:46 +0100, David Rabel wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am maintaining jugglinglab. The upstream source package contains a
> compiled binary file. What is the cleanest solution to get rid of it?

Is it actually doing any harm? Does it get included in the package?
Does it get rebuilt? If it gets rebuilt then just remove it in the
clean rule. If it doesn't get included then you could just ignore
it. It's not doing any harm, unless it's known to be non-free.

> Story behind that:
> When I started packaging jugglinglab in 2016 I just deleted the file
> with a patch.
> This is unclean and for example sbuild refuses to build the package,
> because it does a dh_clean before which also deletes the binary and then
> complains that the patch cannot delete a file that isn't there.

a '-' in front of a make command stops it erroring out. It is often
appriate for clean rules that remove a file (it's fine if the deletion
fails because the file is already not there)
      - rm foo

You don't need the patch as well. Is that there because otherwise
dpkg-source complains about changes? It should ignore removed files.

> So, after more than a year, I think he won't answer. So I have to come
> up with another solution. I just don't have an idea, what is the best
> way to do that. Can you help me?

Repacking the source without it is probably neatest. But just
removing it in the clean rule is also fine. Or ignoring it.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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