On 09.02.2018 00:44, Ben Finney wrote:
> David Rabel <david.ra...@noresoft.com> writes:
>> I am maintaining jugglinglab. The upstream source package contains a
>> compiled binary file. What is the cleanest solution to get rid of it?
> Is the compiled binary file generated entirely from sources that are all
> in the upstream source distribution?

Yes, it's genereated from the sources. Allthough I cannot technically
verify that.

> Is the compiled binary file needed at all — can it be removed without
> detriment for generating the Debian package from source?

It can be removed, yes. It is recompiled during the build processs anyways.

> Probably the best option is to re-pack the source to exclude that file
> <URL:https://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/repacking.html>.

Yes, that's sounds good. Which suffix is best-fitting? +dfsg ? I'm
uncertain, since the file is very probably free software. I just don't
want to have precomiled binary files inside the source package.


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