>   * debian/control

- Maintainer:

Does he agree to be the Debian official maintainer for this package?
Aren't YOU the Debian official maintainer for it?

- #Vcs-Git:
- #Vcs-Browser:

Please remove template.

- Suggests: 

There is no package named flashplugin-installer in Debian.

>   * debian/rules

Please remove sample comment header.

>   * debian/libhal1-flash.lintian-overrides
>     - Suppress pedantic lintian reports
>   * debian/source.lintian-overrides
>     - Suppress pedantic gpg signature lintian report

I think there is no need to suppress pedantic reports.

GPG Fingerprint = 0B29 D88E 42E6 B765 B8D8 EA50 7839 619D D439 668E

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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