On Mon, 19 Feb 2018, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> Hi,
> I like the idea of using a list (either this one or another dedicated
> list, e.g. debian-outreach-applications) to handle the first contact
> from each applicant so we can welcome them even if the mentor isn't
> always available.
> In my own listings, I added a tag "+mentor" to my email address so I am
> less likely to miss any applicant.  However, I was also thinking that
> such mechanisms could be used on the list so that people can distinguish
> which emails are about which projects.
> E.g. if the URL in the wiki is:
> mailto:debian-outreach@lists.debian.org?subject=GSoC2018%20Click-to-Dial
> then the emails will all have subject "GSoC2018 Click-to-Dial".
> We can go further: each mentor could announce their project with an
> email to the list and then embed their message-ID in the mailto URI on
> the wiki.  Then all the applicants to that mentor would be threaded,
> even if they continued the discussion off-list.  Other users of the list
> could more easily follow or ignore threads as they please.
> Does anybody have a strong objection to this?
Fix your links please and don't tell people to create alioth users. Alioth is
dead and such users will stop working on first may. 


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