
On Wed, 2014-08-20 at 09:44:45 -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> There are cases when you want to add it explicitly, e.g. when someone
> comes up with a new possible value for it that is not automatically
> added yet.
> Testsuite: mynewthing
> or even
> Testsuite: autopkgtest, mynewthing
> So maybe we could review the text like this:
> <heading><tt>Testsuite</tt></heading>
> <p>
>   Simple field containing a comma-separated list of values allowing
>   test execution environments to discover packages which provide
>   tests.  Currently, the only defined value is <tt>autopkgtest</tt>.
> </p>
> <p>
>   <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn><footnote>from <prgn>dpkg-dev</prgn> version
>   1.17.11.</footnote> will automatically add this field to Debian source
>   control files with the value <tt>autopkgtest</tt> if a
>   <file>debian/tests/control</file> file is present in the source
>   package. This field may also be used in source package control files
>   if needed in other situations, for example to declare other test suite
>   handlers that are not yet automatically detected by dpkg.
> </p>

Except for the last dpkg which should probably be dpkg-source, I do
like this version better.

Also perhaps worth mentioning that dpkg-source will remove the value
if there is no debian/tests/control file (and emit a warning).

I've also noticed that dsc(5) specifies this field as space-separated
in contradiction to the current implementations, which I'll be fixing
for dpkg 1.19.0.


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