(I switched X back to Xpmac before all of this)
I actually didn't compile it - I found a .deb and installed it using dpkg. I turned authorization off as you said, and now I get a cooler-looking login screen, along with a little output-only console in the bottom right. When I enter my name/pass, the console prints "(xdm) session opened by uid" and the rest is cut off at the edge of the screen. The screen flickers, goes out, and then comes back with the login screen again with the message "(xdm) session closed for user steven" in the little console thingy. I logged in via SSH to grab the logs, and the console thingy told me that I had logged via SSH. xdm.log shows this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /var/log/xdm.log

Xpmac / X Window System (X11R6.3)
Release Date: April 10, 2000

Running in mode=13, depth=8; req mode=0 depth=0
Using VT number 7
Mapped frame buffer (physaddr 0xf1001000 size 0x7ec10) at 0x30027000.
PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file  Roman_M
Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.
PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file  Roman_M
Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.
PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file  Roman_M
Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.
PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file  Roman_M
Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.
PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file  Roman_M
Using XFree86/Linux keycode handling.

Doesn't look too bad this time, except for the PEX font. What else could stop me from logging in?

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 08:20  AM, Frank Murphy wrote:

The Opt-F1,F2,etc trick wasn't working, and neither does this.

I think that the Xpmac server doesn't allow this <ctrl>-<opt>-<F1> trick (but it is Control and Opt and Function key; I assume you typoed that above.)

To those who wanted the logs, it was actually at /var/log/xdm.log
And, to those who are saying that it's unsupported, the 'real' X server
doesn't seem to support valkyrie video devices.

The Xpmac seems to only log to the display manager, not to the Xfree86
location. But Xpmac is unsupported in Debian (which is why you had to compile it yourself), so that means that valkyrie video devices are unsupported in Debian. But you might still get it to work. If you can, perhaps you could
make a package for others who might need it.

<log snipped>

Looks like it's saying that I'm not authorized to connect to the
server.  I tried logging in as root from the X login screen, figuring
that root of all people should be authorized to do anything, but the
same thing happened, except it was client 3 in the log.

I would think so too. There was recently a problem with X and gcc 3.3 and optimization -O2 and authorization. If you're using xdm, try adding this to

DisplayManager*authorize: false

Otherwise, try to recompile Xpmac with -O1 (or even no optimization, just to

Hey, when it's saying that the connection to :0.0 is refused, does :0.0
refer to localhost?  If so, could the port that it's connecting to be
blocked by a firewall?  If so, does a firewall come installed on the
standard installation?  (I'll bet it does)  How do I control it, and
what port must I open?  (All just guesses here)

:0.0 does refer to the local machine, but (at least in XFree86) X will use unix (not network) sockets for faster communication, so a firewall will not affect it. Also, I don't believe Debian comes with a firewall by default.


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