Hello Lucas,

Lucas Nussbaum dijo [Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 11:45:43AM +0100]:
> > Most probably, the results will be announced by mail (and not
> > communicated during a meeting), because the bid review process has led
> > us to need to decide in this way. I cannot speak for the previously
> > appointed DebConf Committee¹, but for the iteration I have been
> > delegated for, I can promise you we will not hide problems™ — That is,
> > once we choose, I can commit that we will not hide the reasoning
> > behind our choice. Some of it will not be full-public, as -of course-
> > it includes important human interaction bits, but all important points
> > will be made public.
> You kind-of make it sound like what you promise was not done by the
> previous DC Committee. I'd like to point that details about the decision
> process and the rationale were provided after the DC20 decision.

Yes. I think I can promise that, because I think the situation to be
different to what it was a year ago. And I know I'm getting ahead of
things; I do not want in any way to put pressure on the rest of the
DCC on this account — But I think we will decide by consensus, not by
voting. And that we can share the reasoning we are following.

> See the threads in
> https://lists.debian.org/debconf-team/2019/03/threads.html
> (...)

I acknowledge the decision and communication of it was quite harder
last year than what we are facing now.

> On 18/02/20 at 23:54 -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > ¹ The fact that one of the Committee members left it, and is quite
> >   vocal on his opposition to the choice made by it, makes it clear to
> >   me that, even if the Committee had intended to keep quiet, the truth
> >   will come out. I'm sure Jonathan can comment on the decision process
> >   as he lived it. We don't have NDAs.
> I must say that I'm a bit shocked by this paragraph. If I summarize:
> - you are a member of the current DebConf Committee.
> - you take the moral high ground and promise transparency, while the
>   transparency you promise is no better than the transparency of the
>   DC20 decision process
> - you allude that the Committee that made the DC20 decision intends to
>   keep something quiet, and that there's a truth that needs to come out.
> Lucas
> (For context, I was a member of the Committee at the time of the DC20
> decision, and resigned on 2019-09-17, see
> <20190917135320.ga29...@xanadu.blop.info>)

FWIW, I was refering to the "other" Committee Member who left (and I
named Jonathan in the paragraph you quote). I have talked with him,
and know (at least, part of) his reasoning both for the vote and for
the resignation. I didn't talk with you, so I didn't feel it fair to
lump you together with him in "is quite vocal on his opposition" and
"making it clear to me". No, I didn't target you with my aseveration.

I am a current DebConf Committee member, as you state. I can try to
offer as much transparency as needed; I truly hope we will not need to
go to a flame _again_ to explain and understand the reasons for our

I don't say that DC20's decision was "intended to keep something
quiet" nor that "there's a truth that needs to come out". I can only
comment on what I saw as an close-but-still-outsider. I know that the
DC20 decision crosses many personal issues, and that explaining it
thoroughly will likely hurt.

What I tried to say, and probably failed to communicate, is that I
hope we show our next decision is *not* loaded with personal issues
and sore feelings. Of course, not everybody will end up happy, but I
think everybody will be able to understand and hopefully accept our
decision as correct.

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