Thanks Piotr!

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> [Yaroslav Halchenko, 2012-09-28]
> > In this talk I would like to briefly present the history of Python in
> > Debian (which can be traced to nineties with Python 1.4), outline
> > benefits Debian provides for Python users/developers and present what
> > to expect in upcoming stable (wheezy) release of Debian.  To
> > familiarize listeners with Python-in-Debian ecosystem I will then
> > overview core package naming, versioning, and modularization
> > conventions in Debian and ongoing QA efforts (build-time testing,

> about conventions... please, please, please mention 

with pleasure ... but do you think it is worth listing (some of) them in
the abstract?

> PEP386

this one is my favorite (giving significant amount of suffer ;) )

> PEP396,

Status: Draft 
Barry, was there any progress?

it would be cool if it was somewhat coupled with recipes for different
VCS.  I know a few projects which go few extra steps to automate unique
version assignments for the GIT archive exports etc. e.g.;a=blob;;hb=HEAD

> PEP390

Status: Draft
seems needs to make friends with PEP396 regarding version information

dependencies specs are indeed would be valuable

> PEP384?

I guess I need to digest it more to explain how/if it is relevant for
Debian maintenance.

> PEP8?

I could start with this one of cause ;) but I hope they all know about
it by now.  On a related note though:  __file__ -- are we all friends
again ? ;)

> or documents like

it would of cause be worthwhile of at least mentioning

> - maybe it's not directly related to your talk, but any occasion
> is good to try to convince developers to follow conventions.

that is part of the aim indeed ;)

> > full-archive rebuilds, etc). I will briefly present the "Debian
> > packaging" helper tools, including recent GSOC project aiming to
> > provide automatic packaging of the packages on PyPI.  To facilitate

> even today Natalia committed some changes related to exporting build/test
> logs, statistics will follow soon, I hope :). We still need a server to
> set this up, though - I'll try to arrange a webserver to host generated
> repo/logs, but we still need access to a buildd (or a server where we
> can set one up) to do the building part - Natalia's tool is prepared to
> be invoked in cron and build (using f.e. sbuild) only new packages / for
> new architectures or new distributions).

yeah -- without such at least a demo repository project felt
somewhat incomplete to me.  

> > As the outcome of the talk, I expect listeners to become more familiar
> > with the Debian project goals, standards and principles, become aware
> > of integration aspects involved in delivering such plethora of Python
> > FOSS solutions, and become intrigued enough to try Debian on their
> > systems or in the cloud.

> you can also advertise
> (for those who want to see build logs from different architectures
> of their libraries - we try to enable more and more tests during build)


I also had in mind pointing to as the
ultimate 'developer-oriented' page, where upstream could get to the
logs, subscribe to notifications (email, RSS), etc

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Postdoctoral Fellow,   Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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