Thanks for your replies Barry and Thomas!

According to apt-rdepends, there are no packages depending on python-forgetsql:

$ apt-rdepends --reverse python-forgetsql
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

So it will simpler to fix! :-)

2013/7/3 Thomas Kluyver <>:
> On 3 July 2013 19:36, Barry Warsaw <> wrote:
>>     except 'error message'
>> this will fail if the raise site is changed.
> In fact it will already fail - recent Python 2 versions throw a TypeError if
> you attempt to raise a bare string (from at least 2.6 - I don't have older
> versions to check). Changing the exception could still lead to it getting
> caught by an except: clause which previously missed it, though.

I checked the string exceptions in the code and they are not catched
(see shell commands used at this end of this message).
So I plan to wrap the string with an exception (Exception ou
TypeError). To me, the errors raised are not TypeError so it's not the
appropriate exception but if someone catched TypeError in another
software (outside Debian) it will work. It would not work with
Exception class. However, I still prefer raising Exception. Does
anyone have an opinion about that point?

Other infos about this package:
 - I sent a bug report about the 404 error on the homepage of the
project (#715148).
 - I think other infos in control file are outdated:
Conflicts: python2.3-forgetsql
Replaces: python2.3-forgetsql
Provides: python2.5-forgetsql, python2.6-forgetsql

python2.3 are not in the repository anymore so the Conflicts and
Replaces lines could be deleted. I suppose we should add a
'python2.7-forgetsql' element to the Provides line.
What do you think about this point too?

Search with the shell:
$ grep -R raise .
./share/doc/python-forgetsql/TODO:   raise TimeOutException ?
./share/doc/python-forgetsql/TODO:   Try a passive reload, and only
raise exception if something has
./share/pyshared/      raise "cursor method undefined, no
database connection could be made"
./share/pyshared/        raise NotFound
./share/pyshared/        raise NotFound
./share/pyshared/        raise NotFound
./share/pyshared/        raise 'Not enough id fields,
required: %s' % len(self._sqlPrimary)
./share/pyshared/      raise 'Not enough id fields,
required: %s' % len(self._sqlPrimary)
./share/pyshared/          raise "Unsupported: Part %s of
%s primary key is a reference to %s, with multiple-primary-key %s " %
(key, self.__class__, value.__class__, value)
./share/pyshared/      raise AttributeError, key
./share/pyshared/        raise """ERROR: No fields
defined, cannot create SQL.
./share/pyshared/        raise "REALITY ERROR: No tables defined"
./share/pyshared/      raise "Unknown operation", operation
./share/pyshared/        raise "Could not guess sequence
name for multi-primary-key"
./share/pyshared/      raise NotFound, self._getID()
./share/pyshared/      raise NotFound, self._getID()
./share/pyshared/          raise "Unsupported: Can't
reference multiple-primary-key: %s" % value
./share/pyshared/        raise "Bad sqlPrimary, should be
a list or tupple: %s" % cls._sqlPrimary
./share/pyshared/      raise "No field found, check
forgetter's _userClasses"
./share/pyshared/          raise "Can't reference
multiple-primary-key: %s" % value
./share/pyshared/         raise "Can't retrieve
auto-inserted ID for multiple-primary-key"

$ grep -R "Not enough id fields, required: " .
./share/pyshared/        raise 'Not enough id fields,
required: %s' % len(self._sqlPrimary)
./share/pyshared/      raise 'Not enough id fields,
required: %s' % len(self._sqlPrimary)
$ grep -R "Unsupported: Part " .
./share/pyshared/          raise "Unsupported: Part %s of
%s primary key is a reference to %s, with multiple-primary-key %s " %
(key, self.__class__, value.__class__, value)
$ grep -R "ERROR: No fields defined, cannot crea" .
./share/pyshared/        raise """ERROR: No fields
defined, cannot create SQL.
$ grep -R "REALITY ERROR: No tables defined" .
./share/pyshared/        raise "REALITY ERROR: No tables defined"
$ grep -R "Unknown operation" .
./share/pyshared/      raise "Unknown operation", operation
$ grep -R "Could not guess sequence name for multi-primary-key" .
./share/pyshared/        raise "Could not guess sequence
name for multi-primary-key"
$ grep -R "Unsupported: Can't reference multiple-primary-ke" .
./share/pyshared/          raise "Unsupported: Can't
reference multiple-primary-key: %s" % value
$ grep -R "Bad sqlPrimary, should be a list or tupple" .
./share/pyshared/        raise "Bad sqlPrimary, should be
a list or tupple: %s" % cls._sqlPrimary
$ grep -R "No field found, check forgetter" .
./share/pyshared/      raise "No field found, check
forgetter's _userClasses"
$ grep -R "Can't reference multiple-pri" .
./share/pyshared/          raise "Unsupported: Can't
reference multiple-primary-key: %s" % value
./share/pyshared/          raise "Can't reference
multiple-primary-key: %s" % value
$ grep -R "Can't retrieve auto-inserted " .
./share/pyshared/         raise "Can't retrieve
auto-inserted ID for multiple-primary-key"

Imprimez ce message en A2 et en couleur au moins 500 fois!
Brûlez des arbres!!

-- envoyé depuis ma centrale à charbon

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