On Sep 02, 2015, at 09:06 PM, Robert Collins wrote:

>So this is perhaps the disconnect: I did not say the metadata should
>move: it should be in the private directory - it has to be adjacent to
>the packages/modules its describing, since if it is present but the
>package/module is not that is at the very best confusing for tools
>like pip.
>That private directory must be on the python search path when running
>the application (or the modules can't be imported).

It may be a problem of code execution order.   Where does the sys.path
manipulation happen to add the private application path to sys.path?  If that
happens after the wrapper script tries to load the entry point, it will go
boom in the way Ben is describing.  sys.path has to be hacked before that, but
I don't think the entry point wrapper creation will do that automatically.


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