❦ 20 octobre 2015 20:52 -0400, Barry Warsaw <ba...@debian.org> :

>>I'd remove this paragraph. Releases can be made via `git archive` and I did
>>that many times (assuming pristine-tar will still keep needed data to
>>regenerate exact same tarball).  If you meant that we don't want to keep
>>complete upstream git history, then I agree completely, but I'd made it a
>>"should" rather than "must".
> What I'm trying to express is the team decision (a couple of debconfs ago) for
> pristine-tars rather than releasing from upstream git.  I do want to keep the
> rationale in the policy doc; it's one sentence and it seems to come up often
> enough.  Suggestions for better phrasing welcome!

You should remove the reference to Pypi since tarballs can also be taken
From GitHub (when upstream doesn't want to ship everything, like tests,
in Pypi tarballs or doesn't even release tarballs on Pypi):

> DPMT requires upstream tarballs, either released on PyPI (or any other
> place) or snapshots made from git. Tarballs are what we upload to the
> Debian archive.
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