On 2015-10-21 09:31:04 -0500 (-0500), Ian Cordasco wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Oct 21, 2015, at 08:47 PM, Brian May wrote:
> >
> >>in one case this is because upstream have only supplied a *.whl
> >>file on Pypi.
> >
> > I'm *really* hoping that the PyPA will prohibit binary wheel-only uploads.
> I'm not sure why they should prohibit binary wheel-only uploads. A
> company may wish to publish a binary wheel of a tool and only that (a
> wheel for Windows, OS X, different supported linux distributions,
> etc.). If they do, that's their prerogative. I don't think there's
> anything that says Debian (or Ubuntu) would then have to package that.
> PyPI is not just there for downstream, it's there for users too
> (although the usability of PyPI is not exactly ideal).

Yep, I'm as much a fan of free software as the next person, but PyPI
doesn't _require_ what you upload is free software. It only requires
that you grant the right to redistribute what you're uploading.
While having source code to go along with things uploaded there
(which, mind you, aren't even actually required to be usable python
packages, they could be just about anything) would be nice, I don't
have any expectation that PyPI would ever eventually make it
Jeremy Stanley

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