On Tue, 23 Jul 2019, Ondrej Novy wrote:

út 23. 7. 2019 v 11:40 odesílatel Scott Talbert <s...@techie.net> napsal:
      When removing leaf python2 packages for bullseye, is there

__modules__ package :)
      special that needs to be done, other than removing the building
      of the
      python2 subpackage?

      For example, obsoleting of the old package or anything along
      those lines?

* check reverse-depends and "reverse-depends -b"
* remove from d/control
* remove from d/tests
* remove from d/rules
* check/remove d/python-* files
* test
* upload

Thanks. The reason I asked about 'obsoleting' is because I wondered about what will happen on the upgrade case. Say, I remove python-foo from bullseye. When a user running buster with python-foo installed upgrades to bullseye, what will happen? Will apt try to remove python-foo?


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