
I NMUd xarchon  0.50-10.1

the new version fixes the bug
111342: Missing font prevents starting new game

This bug was posted in 2001 as 'grave' but was then downgraded as
'normal' by the mantainer (who claimed that 'xarchon' would work with "a
sane choice of fonts" installed in the system). I stumbled into that
bug, while using a standard Etch install (with Gnome); and I did some
tests, (adding some other font packages, and fiddling with Xorg conf)
and I could not find a choice of fonts that would have 'xarchon'
working; so I really think it should be considered 'grave'

Then I prepared the patch: my patch adds a fallback,
so that,  if the font
cannot be loaded, it then tries
(and this usually works; but just in case, my code also has another
subsequent fallback for 'fixed')

Unfortunately I did not hear a reply from the mantainer; but I did some
tests of my version, and it works; moreover, my patch is quite simple;
so I really think that the new version should go into Etch.

Disclaimer: I do not really understand why
cannot be loaded, while


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