On 26 January 2023 10:26:05 pm IST, Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org> wrote:
>Am Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 08:22:15AM -0700 schrieb Sam Hartman:
>> Well, if you and a group of people believe you can maintain it in stable
>> given the additional discussions ith upstream, then explicitly say
>> you're ready to sign up to maintaining in stable.
>> I think that's the kind of sing-up-to-do-the-work that the security and
>> release team are waiting for.
>I'd be happy if singularity would be in stable.  I'm not sure how far
>I can help out since I'm lacking competence in Go but if needed I might
>contribute to my limited skills.

I'd be happy to have it in stable as well, but by no means am I a professional 
go programmer, and to be really honest I've fixed CVEs only in one or two 
Thus, I find it impractical to commit myself (alone) to maintaining it in 

But if someone is willing to help out on these fronts, I'd be glad to know.


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