* Patrick Percot [00:30 27/05/03 CEST]:
Yves Rutschle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 06:48:20PM +0000, François Boisson wrote:
> PS: Tu peux donner une présentation succinte de Brainfuck :-), le nom me
> plait

C'est le langage le plus petit du monde, au point que c'est
presque plus un assembleur pour machine virtuelle qu'un

Je crois qu'unlambda est encore plus spartiate.

Mais le pire du pire est atteint par Malbolge :


Tellement incompréhensible qu'aucun programme n'a jamais été écrit avec.

Un petit bout du manuel :

  When the interpreter tries to execute a program, it first checks to
  see if the current instruction is a graphical ASCII character (33
  through 126).  If it is, it subtracts 33 from it, adds C to it, mods
  it by 94, then uses the result as an index into the following table
  of 94 characters:
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]<?Z';FNQuY]szf$!BS/|t:Pn6^Ha
It then checks it against the characters listed below, and performs
  an appropriate action.
If the result is not one of the characters listed below, it is
  treated as a nop.  If the original character is not graphic ASCII,
  the program is immediately ended.
When the interpreter parses the input file, it checks each non-
  whitespace character with the process above.  If any result is not
  one of the eight characters below, the file will be rejected.

  After the instruction is executed, 33 is subtracted from the
  instruction at C, and the result is used as an index in the table
  below.  The new character is then placed at C, and then C is


Ne postez pas idiot !
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