On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 07:18:55PM +1000 or thereabouts, James Sinnamon wrote:
> Dear List,
> My ${HOME}/Mail directory is currently nearly 350 Megs in size.  
> A lot of it is due to high volume mailing lists such as debian-user  
> (48 Meg so far), and this can only get much worse as I join more 
> and more high volume lists.
> So could anyone tell me how they handle ever growing Mail
> folders?  Perhaps 'mutt' is the way to go?
> I had thought of splitting the {HOME}/Mail into two and
> run a second instance of Kmail, with a different profile,
> to handle the mailing lists, but KMail doesn't seem to allow
> for this as far as I can tell (perhaps for some good reason).

What I do, is use a nice little utility called "archivemail" and set it up via
CRON to archive my mail folders (mbox) at least once a month. Then I use another
utility called "grepmail" which can search both my active mboxes and the
compressed archived mail.

  Sunday Jul 11 2004 08:21:02 AM EDT
The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange
protein -- it rejects it.
                -- P. Medawar

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