Em Fri, 27 Aug 2004 03:10:08 +0200, Lance Hoffmeyer escreveu:

> mplayer will play vorbis files but ogg123 will not.
> I don't get sound from realplay.

        Error messages would be nice if any were generated.

> Looks like maybe I need a config file or something?? Where is it?
> What do I need to do to get a little more consistent sound working?
> Is OSS installed or ALSA?  I would prefer ALSA.
> snd_seq_oss            36416  0
> snd_seq_midi_event      8576  1 snd_seq_oss

        Looks like you have ALSA emulating OSS.

        Are you on Gnome, KDE or what?  If Gnome, check Preferences,
Advanced, Multimedia Systems Selector or something the like, and
Preferences, Sound.

        Out of Gnome and KDE, each program has its own configuration
to use ALSA, OSS, artsd or whatever, or tries to find out which

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