| You could say more about your connectivity problem
| in a new thread for this subject.

Ralph ....

  Thanks for the reply ....

  I hadn't intended to try and diagnose specific problems
  at this time, since I'm using 2.4.27 and only contemplating
  moving on up to 2.6 and wondering about connection problems
  in general since I've encountered some with a brief bit
  of experience under Mandrake & Knoppix using the 2.6 kernel ....

| Can you post some error messages or log entries?

  Yesterday when I tried Knoppix 3.4 again with 2.6.6
  I didn't dig into any logs, ....

  Every url I tried in Konqueror came back with ....

    Time-out port 80 ....

| I haven't had any problems on my cable hookup | using a basic Realtek NIC.

  I don't have any problems using aDSL here either
  with the Realtec NIC and kernel 2.4.27 Debian Sarge ....

  Always connects and downloads at the account cap
  at about 160 kbps if the server is up to it ....

| Do you have anything like this in your /var/log/dmesg?

  # dmesg
  8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.26
   PCI:  Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0b.0
  eth0:  RealTek RTL8139 at 0xd000, 00:30:bd:2d:29:d6, IRQ 11
  eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8100B/8139D

  If I had a clue as to which  configs/logs  to check,
  I could take another look for problems with Knoppix 3.4
  and kernel 2.6.6 ....

  I posted about this problem on the Knoppix forum
  a few months back, but didn't get any replies ....

-- Cousin Stanley Human Being Phoenix, Arizona

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