On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 06:53:23PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:

> How does the safe type feel for you? 

As I say, it's the only way I can type comfortably for longer than an
hour or so. I've used many other keyboards - plain flat ones, low-end
ergonomic ones and high-end ergonomic ones like the Kinesis. Anything
that requires pronation of my wrists will give me problems. However,
that's the nature of my injury; YMMV.

> Just looking at it, it certainly looks strange with the vertical
> layout, but I could certainly see where it could be comfortable. And
> by the looks of it, the number pad is BETWEEN the two upright
> sections? That seems rather cumbersome. 

The number pad is cumbersome. I'm an emacs guy, so I rarely use the
arrow keys anyway, but when I have to use them, it's a PITA. However,
that was easily solved for me by buying a USB number pad; it works fine
with X, and it even works fine in Windows XP running inside VMWare.

If you're very used to hitting your arrow keys and home/end etc., you
will find the Safetype not very usable without an external keypad. 

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.rudedog.org/ | ICQ:161669680

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