n Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Many changes were made in the configuration files to no avail. The current configuration files and errer messages are below: (Note: I have pon working on sarge now but can't remember how I got it now.) Thanks for any help. I've struggled long and hard and can't make any progress on wedial although its probably a somple oversight.

If pon and kppp work, why is it such a problem that wvdial doesn't work?
Dear Bill,
Not to sound snippy, but its broke. I can't stand things to be broke and
being so, it may cause other things to break.  Wvdial is my prefered dialer.

Did you edit the wvdial.conf file on a Windows machine?
I only have woody and sarge-stable installed.  If you had looked at the provided
data you should have noticed all the output is linux. Why wouild anyone want to edit wvdial on windose? I really don't understand why you might ask this.

If that isn't the case, maybe wvdial.conf has the wrong permissions.
That was covered to a degree also.  As stated I have added my user ID to all 
groups; dip, dialout,etc.  However, since you asked, ls -l shows"

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d$ ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 98408 Jan 21 03:38 /usr/bin/wvdial
You have new mail in /var/mail/lchata
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d$ ChatagnierL-Home:/etc/ppp/peers# ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 98408 Jan 21 03:38 /usr/bin/wvdial

And in any case, I have run wvdial as both user$ and root# with the same error 
output on both:
--> Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf. Of 
courtse, it does; unless
there is some syntax priblem.  It does look like all past config entries.

I quess I was expecting some comments on the error message or stating that 
something is wrong in
Thanks for your interest,


PS-You may have missed my request to copy my email address.  It's easier to 
reply with a copy
instead of building a reply from the list on web.  Either way, I'll get back.

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