On Sun, 16 Jun 1996, Mark Phillips wrote:

> 1. How does TERM get set?

it is set by login(1).

> P.S. Is there any advantage to using bash instead of tcsh?  Does bash
> have all the features that tcsh has?

well, being a LONG time tcsh user, no, bash can't do everything tcsh does.
tcsh can do command line spell checking, has a better (IMO) built in
``which'' (it recognizes aliases), amoung other things.

but bash will help prevent you from learning bad skills (auto-spell
correction only teaches you that you don't have to spell well).  and bash
is more standard.  i highly recommend working with bash rather than tcsh,
i switched for a variety of reasons, especially for shell programming.

Linus dislikes tcsh a great deal, and also urges not to use it, and there
is a rather good FAQ on the dangers of (t)csh programming posted
regularly to comp.unix.programmer

> Also, why is there no "ppp-off" script included with the ppp package?

good question.  and why isn't pppd setuid root?  if it's a security issue,
a ppp group would be in order.

Why Linux?  source code. POSIX. tcpip. job control. support from the authors.
drivers for most hardware.  because one terminal or process is never enough.
    forget the other O/Ss, i use Linux- the choice of a gnu generation.

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