Thanks for your help.

>>  When bash is the login shell for a user, it
>> seems that TERM gets set to linux when logging in from the console.
>> But when I changed my shell to tcsh, TERM no longer gets set to linux
>> as it should.  Why?
>Perhaps your .tcshrc or .cshrc is messing with it.

No - I checked, plus I even removed .cshrc and the problem remained.
The strange thing is that TERM is set okay for xterms, but not for
linux consoles.  Could there be a bug in tcsh?

>> # pppd -d -detach /dev/cua1 &
>Use "ppd -d /dev/cua1" instead, and your program will go away.

"program" or do you mean "problem"?  My problem is that this process
keeps on terminating prematurely.  I get a message saying the job is
finished even though I haven't told it to finish and even though the
modem link hasn't been broken.  I thought that all the "-detach"
option did was to stop the pppd process from detaching itself from the
terminal I ran it from.  I don't understand why this would solve my

>> Also, why is there no "ppp-off" script included with the ppp package?
>There is - /etc/ppp/ip-down

But isn't this only executed after the link goes down?  How do I tell
the link that I want it to go down - that's what I thought ppp-off was
for?  Also, if I put things like "reset the modem" in "ip-down", won't
this happen even when pppd dies prematurely like I mention above (in
which case I want to restart pppd rather than resetting the modem.)

Thanks again for your help - I appreciate it.

Mark Phillips.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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