From: Buddha Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   my root password is ... say "toto". when i try to login
> >   with password "totoxxx", it works. The xdm login
> >   only compares characters from the begining, to the end of
> >   the password. is it normal ??? 
> It shouldn't be that way for your root password as "toto", but let's 
> say your root password was "wizardoz".  Then "wizardos_is_a_fraud" 
> would work, because anything past 8 letters is ignored.

Yes, but the FTP server and the login program act _differently_ on
passwords over 8 characters long, such that one breaks and the other
doesn't. This is from my experience in logging into "master", and
I finally had to have Simon reset my password as if I was some sort of
newbie :-) . I forget which one breaks.

We need to make all programs that ask for passwords consistent in how
they behave when given more than 8 characters.



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