>Which brings me to question number 1:
> Where do I get TCP/IP protocol for Windoze for Workgroupies?  Microsoft's 
> "techs" were no help.  "Whats TCP/IP?" one said.. <snicker>

Get MS's TCP/IP Stack, for Ethernet it's better then Trumpet.
>From the Samba Homepage (http://lake.canberra.edu.au/pub/samba/)

"Microsoft Clients

Microsoft's various clients, including WFWG3.11, LanMan, MSClient 3.0 for
DOS, can be found at ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/Clients/. Check the
ReadMe file for details at
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/Clients/README.NOW. Please Note, WinNT and
Win95 don't need any extra client software in order to run Samba. These OS's
come standard with TCP/IP which is all you need."

>And of course question number 2:
> Does anyone have any quick warnings that will save me some trouble, that
> they can let me know about?

Nope it's pretty easy.  Read the warnings though or you could make all of
your Windoze hard drives world readable :(


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