> Which brings me to question number 1:
>  Where do I get TCP/IP protocol for Windoze for Workgroupies?  Microsoft's 
>  "techs" were no help.  "Whats TCP/IP?" one said.. <snicker>


You need two things: The 32 bit TCP stack (TCP32B.EXE); and the 32 bit support 
for Windows (which has been called all sorts of things.  The copy I'm using at 
present comes in a file called OLE32S13.EXE)

I'm afraid I cannot remember which directory this is in, and the layout of MS's 
ftp site makes no sense to me so I can't even guess :-(   Also, they call the 
files silly names (the 32 bit stuff was called something like PW1118.EXE at one 

> And of course question number 2:
>  Does anyone have any quick warnings that will save me some trouble, that
>  they can let me know about?

First set up the 32-bit stuff (run the self-extracting archive, then run the 
setup that gets created), then add the TCP stack (run the self-extract, then 
use ``Network Setup'' to add a protocol).

I find that samba performance is better if I remove the other protocols, since 
I run no non-TCP stuff on the network, browsing works much faster if it isn't 
trying to use anything other than TCP.

I think the samba docs. have more info on setting WfWg up as well.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Phil.

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