On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Lawrence Chim wrote:

> > > Is linux kernel vfat support compatible with the vfat32 from the
> > > microsoft recent OEM WIN95 release?
> > >
> > 
> > I would strongly doubt it.  vfat used to be just a superset of the fat
> > filesystem so it was too difficult to add support.  vfat32, on the
> > otherhand, is a big jump considering the fact that most dos utilities
> > won't work with it either.
> > 
> So, is there any plan to support it.  I heard that vfat32 is part
> of Win95.

It's not really part of win95, it is only part of the oem release.  There 
is no way present win 95 users will be able to get until the nex major 
release of windows.  

By the way, from what I have heard there is really no reason to use it 
unless you want a huge gigabyte sized partition, which I personally don't 
like.  There is no speed improvement in vfat32

Shaya Potter

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